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  1. Nest Survival of Urban-adapted Songbirds in Residential Yards and Adjacent Forest Parks

    Nest Survival of Urban-adapted Songbirds in Residential Yards and Adjacent Forest Parks Research presented by Jennifer Malpass at the 2014 joint meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, the Cooper Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian O ...

  2. State Topic News

    2014 Fall Ross County Ag Newsletter  In this Issue: Nutrient Applicator Licensing (+ flyer); Farm Bill Decisions; OSU Outlook Meeting Scheduled; Introductory Grain Marketing Series; Educational Webinars Offered; Management Essentials for Farm Managers fly ...

  3. SENR Seminar Series

    The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Kaiguang Zhao, Assistant Professor, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources, who will present Why Planting Trees May Worsen Global Warming?   The SENR Seminar begins at 4:10 p.m in 103 Kottman Hall with a video lin ...

  4. News

    To-ma-to, Ta-mah-to = June News You say To-ma-to, I say Ta-mah-to... No matter how you may say it, they are one of America's most popular fruits.  In Ohio locally grown tomatoes can be found from early July to the middle of October, or until it frost ...

  5. 2014 Environmental Science Student Symposium

    The Environmental Science Student Symposium is an annual event consisting of over 700 individual posters presented by OSU undergraduates. Each poster describes research in a particular area of environmental sciences, explores issues and presents discoveri ...

  6. Ohio State ATI grad shooting for Rio in 2016

    Before the autumn semester of 2013, Ohio State ATI graduate and animal sciences major Katiann Scherer hadn’t played a minute of team handball in her life. But thanks to an intramural sports experience at Ohio State University, she is now working to earn a ...

  7. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  8. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  9. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  10. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...
