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Carl Zulauf to speak at "2014 Farm Bill: How Does It Affect You?"
Elena Irwin to speak at Ohio State's Stone Lab
Long-term Global Agricultural Output Supply-Demand Balance and Real Farm and Food Prices
Work and Income Sharing in a Rural Economy: Effect on Economic Growth and Welfare
Country of origin advertising and US demand of imported wine: an empirical analysis
Foreign Direct Investment and Labor Quality in Developing Countries
Structural change in European calf markets: decoupling and the blue tongue disease
Agricultural policy regime change assessment: Austrian accession to the European Union
Webinar: An Analysis of the Effect of Federal and State Energy Efficiency Regulations on Past and Future Ohio Carbon Emissions
Southeast Ohio Pheasants Forever 13th Annual Educational Youth Event
OSU Ag Safety and Health staff will be teaching ATV safety during the Southeast Ohio Pheasants Forever 13th Annual Educational Youth Event. The event is held on April 12th from 9:00 until 3:00 pm at the Johnstown Community Sportsman's Club (7357 Spor ...