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  1. Stream Systems

    Learn more about how streams function, how we measure stream health, ecological services streams provide and ways to protect and restore those services. ...

  2. Mahoning River Consortium (MRC)

    Mahoning River Trumbull and Mahoning (Mahoning Valley) P.O. Box 1149 Warren, OH 44482 05030103 The Mahoning River Consortium (MRC) is a local, grassroots organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in the Mahoning Valley ...

  3. Integrated Disease Management Helps Ohio’s Grape Industry Thrive

    Grape production in Ohio is impossible without managing at least five distinct diseases simultaneously each year with an integrated disease management program developed by OARDC and OSU Extension plant pathologists. Knowledge of disease and pathogen biolo ...

  4. Animal-drawn Carriages Lighting and Marking

    Source: Jepsen, S.D., & Calip, T. (2009) Lighting and Marking Recommendations for Buggies and Wagons. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Click here to download the factsheet. ...

  5. Animal-drawn Buggy and Wagon Lighting and Marking


  6. No classes, University offices OPEN


  7. All Ohio Safety Congress


  8. Ashlina Chin, MS Exit Seminar (F. Qu, advisor)

    121 Fisher (Wooster) videolinked to 244 Kottman (Columbus). Evaulation of the Retention of Human Pathogenic Caliciviruses on Leafy Greens weakened by Phytopathogens. ...

  9. Human Dimensions

    Learn about ways that individuals, communities, and organizations can work together more effectively to manage and protect water resources on a watershed scale. Learn how to develop more effective education programs to promote watershed and stream steward ...

  10. Jonathan Gershenzon, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Germany

    Selby 203 (Wooster) videolinked to 102 Rightmire Hall (Columbus).Enzyme recruitment and the evolution of plant defense pathways.  Invited speaker, Center for Applied Plant Sciences and the Department of Plant Pathology. ...
