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Search results

  1. FSR Preview: Farmland Prices and Rental Rates in 2014


  2. 3 new publications in Oct. Plant Disease issue

    Jorge David Salgado, L.V. Madden, P.A. Paul. 2014. Efficacy and Economics of Integrating In-Field and Harvesting Strategies to Manage Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat. Plant Disease 98: 1407-1421 Kelsey F. Andersen, L. Morris, R. C. Derksen, L. V. Madden, an ...

  3. Meet the Students in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


  4. National Farm Safety & Health Week

    National Farm Safety and Health Week is September 21 – 27, 2014. This year’s theme is “Safety Counts – Protect What Matters.” Each day of this week the OSU Ag Safety Facebook page will promote adifferent topic. Be sure to check out this site, and be ready ...

  5. Seminar, Monica Lewandowski, Plant Pathology

    10 Things Every (OSU) Grad Student Should Know, 244-Kottman videolink to 121 Fisher ...

  6. The State and National Economy: 2014

    Mark Partridge, Ohio State's C. William Swank Chair in Rural-Urban Policy, presents a summary of his presentation at the 2013-2014 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series, "The State and National Economy: 2014". ...

  7. Farmland Value, Cash Rent and Crop Input Outlook 2014

    Barry Ward, Assistant Extension Professor and Leader, Production Business Management, presents a summary of his presentation at the 2013-2014 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series, "Farmland Value, Cash Rent and Crop Input Outlook 2014&qu ...

  8. 2013 Farm Bill Update: November 2013

    Carl Zulauf, AEDE Professor, presents a summary of his presentation at the 2013-2014 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series, "2013 Farm Bill Update: November 2013". ...

  9. Tyler Willis, Sustainable Operations Intern, MGM Resorts International


  10. AEDE Graduate Student Association Welcome Event

