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Search results

  1. Partnership with K&S Millwrights yields new grain storage for Ohio State ATI

    Animals need grain, and grain needs a place to be stored. At Ohio State ATI’s Grace Drake Learning Laboratory (GDLL), the need became especially pressing when one of its two grain bins developed structural problems. Located downhill from one of Ohio State ...

  2. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    The OSU Climate Change webinar will be on Climate Change and corn Belt Agriculture in the Midwest with Richard Moore, OSU Environmental Sciences Network and School of Environment and Natural Resources. The webinar is free. To register click here. Once reg ...

  3. Christmas Tree Discount

    Forestry Forum's Christmas Tree Discount ...

  4. Tip #1- What to Wear

    TODAY- I want you to think about how you will dress for Expo and other career-related events or opportunities. ...

  5. Spring Flowers

    The best time to plant bulbs is September through October When the leaves on the trees start to change color and drop to the ground, it’s a sign that fall is here. It’s also a sign that it’s time to plant bulbs so you can have a bountiful splash of color ...

  6. Monthly Garden Tips

    JANUARY 7 •Check trees and shrubs for signs of rodent feeding. •Salt used to melt ice on walks and driveways can damage plants. •Have power yard equipment serviced now. •Clean, repair, or replace garden tools and equipment. •Move houseplants away from fro ...

  7. MG Web Resources

    Additional Resources: Buckeye Yard and Garden- this is a great weekly update for current insect, weed, and disease issues in the landscape. Plant Facts from OSU Horticulture and Crop Science Timely Garden Tips Photos- plants, insects, turf, fruits and veg ...

  8. School of Earth Sciences Mini-Symposium Film Festival

    The School of Earth Sciences' Division of Water, Climate and the Environment's mini-symposium film festival featuring the work of some of the faculty in the division in Mendenhall Laboratory Room 291. Faculty presenting includee Professors Andre ...

  9. EEDS Informational Meeting

    The EEDS information meeting will be held in Royer Living Room (north campus). This month, our discussion will focus on study abroad opportunities.  We will have guest speakers and program representatives joining us to share information about a few trips ...

  10. Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices are closed. ...
