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  1. Agribusiness Club Meeting, Columbus

    Information: The Ohio State University Agribusiness Club. ...

  2. Cover Crop Farm Tour, Cloverdale

    Cover Crop Farm Tour, Participants will learn about soil health concepts, ways to enhance cover crop growth through different seeding methods, and how cover crops may enhance soil productivity, improve yields, and increase profits. ...

  3. Finding Funding Workshop, Wooster

    Finding Funding Workshop, Sponsored by Grant Development Support Unit. ...

  4. Drake: Science will find solutions Lima Ohio Friday, August 14, 2015 From The VP ...

  5. Innovation Seminar Series: Innovation and Entrepreneurism in Science

    For graduate students, early career scientists and others who are wondering about how their research could be commercialized or are thinking about a career outside academia. Features a panel discussion with OARDC faculty members —Katrina Cornish, Warren D ...

  6. Spring break

    Spring break for Ohio State. No classes. ...

  7. Innovation Seminar Series: Innovation and Entrepreneurism in Science

    In 200 Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Building, Wooster. Features Elizabeth Drotleff, associate director of Ohio State’s Industry Liaison Office, who will speak on the university’s new industry collaboration model and will give an overview ...

  8. Raffle-Mania

    The Butler County Meat Goat Association will hold their annual Raffle-Mania on Saturday, March 19th here at the OSU Extension Office. Raffle starts at 7:00 p.m. and doors will open at 6:15 p.m.  Paddles are $2.00 each and raffle tickets are $.25 each. The ...

  9. 4-H Dog Department Meeting

    The Jr. Fair Board Adult Advisors and Members of the 4-H Dog Department are holding a meeting on Friday, May 20, 2016 for all 4-H members taking any dog project, as well as parents and advisors of those members. The meeting is being held at the dog park i ...

  10. Buckeye Shepherd's Symposium

