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  1. ENR Mock Interview Madness

    You are attending career expos and applying to jobs, but are you ready for the interview process? The Career Development Office is providing extra help with interview preparation during our upcoming Mock Interview sessions. These will be 10-15 minute sess ...

  2. Peer and Career Coach Resume Review

    Part 2 of a 3 part Resume Writing Workshop series focused on soon to be graduates and graduate students seeking employment.  ...

  3. ENR Mock Interview Madness

    You are attending career expos and applying to jobs, but are you ready for the interview process? The Career Development Office is providing extra help with interview preparation during our upcoming Mock Interview sessions. These will be 10-15 minute sess ...

  4. ENR Mock Interview Madness

    You are attending career expos and applying to jobs, but are you ready for the interview process? The Career Development Office is providing extra help with interview preparation during our upcoming Mock Interview sessions. These will be 10-15 minute sess ...

  5. EEDS Mock Interview Madness

    You are attending career expos and applying to jobs, but are you ready for the interview process? The Career Development Office is providing extra help with interview preparation during our upcoming Mock Interview sessions. These will be 30 minute session ...

  6. EEDS Mock InterviewMadness

    You are attending career expos and applying to jobs, but are you ready for the interview process? The Career Development Office is providing extra help with interview preparation during our upcoming Mock Interview sessions. These will be 30 minute session ...

  7. ENR Mock Interview Madness

    You are attending career expos and applying to jobs, but are you ready for the interview process? The Career Development Office is providing extra help with interview preparation during our upcoming Mock Interview sessions. These will be 10-15 minute sess ...

  8. EPN February Breakfast

    The Environmental Professional Network will present Electric Utilities, Farmers, Agencies, Others in the Ohio River Basin Establish World's Largest Water Quality Trading Program. Call it “payment for ecosystem services” or “market-based conservation” ...

  9. Sustainable Management of Chernozems-- Soils of Moldova

    The Carbon Management and Sequestration Center welcomes Dr. Boris Boincean, author of “The Black Earth: Ecological Principles for Sustainable Agriculture on Chernozem Soils,” who will be presenting on the sustainable management of Chernozem soils. Since 1 ...

  10. February 2016 Fire Science Webinar

    A joint Alaska and  Lake States Fire Science Consortia  webinar  welcomes  Robert Ziel  who will present  NFDRS 2016:  Changes to Fuel Moisture Estimation for  Fire Danger and Fire Behavior Assessments  in Alaska and the Lake States. J oin the webinar dir ...
