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  1. Tails Curtailed: Accounting for Nonlinear Dependence in Pricing Margin Insurance for Dairy Farmers


  2. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2014

    Barry Ward Data Monday, June 16, 2014 Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2014.pdf ...

  3. Sustainability at The Ohio State University


  4. 2014 Syft Users Meeting


  5. New Graduate Student Orientation


  6. Welcome Back Lunch

    This lunch is to welcome back all new and returning FST students to the department for the start of a new academic year. The lunch will be held in the lobby of the Parker Food Science and Technology Building. No reservations are necessary and the lunch is ...

  7. OSU at IFT Friends and Alumni Reception

    The OSU Department of Food Science and Technology would like to extend an invitation to all alumni and friends to attend our Annual OSU Reception and Mixer at the IFT Annual Meeting. If you are planning to attend the IFT meeting in New Orleans this June b ...

  8. Pre-2015 Archive

    Ag Safety S.T.A.T.- Safe Tactics for Ag Today is an e-mail newsletter prepared by Dee Jepsen, Extension Agricultural Safety Specialist and team members from the State Safety Office, in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering at OSU ...

  9. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2013-14


  10. BUSTEC 1200T Exploring Business

    Assignment Group Project:  Small groups will be formed and asked to choose a publicly traded business to analyze and report on.  A formal written report as well as oral presentation will be prepared by each group.  The reports should provide details on th ...
