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  1. The Ginkgo- A tree with lots of reasons to recommend it

    If you are thinking about what to plant to replace that large ash tree in your landscape, consider the Ginkgo biloba.  This tree is also known as the maidenhair tree because its leaves closely resemble the leaflets of the maidenhair fern.   It has a fasci ...

  2. Earth’s Thermostat: Our Solar Furnace and Gas Ceiling

    At the Ohio State University Planetarium, Smith Laboratory, Ohio State University, 100 W. 18th Ave., Columbus. The program, part of the Climate Explorations series, discusses the sun as the primary source of energy for Earth’s climate system and the role ...

  3. Earth’s Thermostat: Our Solar Furnace and Gas Ceiling

    At the Ohio State University Planetarium, Smith Laboratory, Ohio State University, 100 W. 18th Ave., Columbus. The program, part of the Climate Explorations series, discusses the sun as the primary source of energy for Earth’s climate system and the role ...

  4. New Year’s Day: Offices closed


  5. Christmas: Offices closed


  6. Christmas Eve (Presidents Day observed): Offices closed


  7. Environmental Professionals Network Breakfast Club program

    In the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Ohio State University, Columbus. The program is titled “Sustaining Scioto: Planning for Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources of the Upper Scioto River Watershed.” Open to b ...

  8. More Than Honey film screening

    At COSI, 333 W. Broad St., Columbus. The film is about protecting and saving honey bees, which are responsible for pollinating the majority of the world’s food crops. Ticket and fee is $6.24. Information: ...

  9. December Webinar by Dean McPheron

    Monthly webinar for faculty and staff by CFAES Dean Bruce McPheron. Participate through CarmenConnect at ...

  10. Steer Weigh-in

    If you will be showing a steer at the 2015 Allen County Fair you must come to weigh-in. Click here to download the Steer Weigh-in registration form. ...
