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Search results

  1. Judaism and the Environment: Food and Community

    The Religion and Sustainability Lunchtime Lecture Series welcomes Jessica Shimberg, ALEPH Associate Director of Programs, Little Minyan Kehilla, who will present 'Judaism and the Environment: Food and Community'. This lecture series is part of E ...

  2. Oh, Deer! Workshop Set on Managing Backyard Wildlife Conflicts

    Seen coyotes near your home? Do deer eat your shrubs down to nubs? Get tips on what to do in a workshop led by wildlife experts Stan Gehrt and Marne Titchenell of The Ohio State University.  The Good, the Bad and the Hungry: Managing Wildlife Conflicts in ...

  3. News: FPEF awards scholarship to Ohio State ATI student

    Cherry Hill, NJ  – The Fluid Power Educational Foundation (FPEF) Board of Trustees awarded John-Murphy Paulin of Nova, Ohio a $2,000 scholarship. John-Murphy will be a freshman at Ohio State ATI, beginning autumn semester 2015. “A minimum GPA, an essay, a ...

  4. Ice Cream & Internships

    Do you have an internship lined up for summer and want to register for academic credit?  Walk in appointments  will be available to register and you’ll get your pick of an ice cream treat as well! ...

  5. Ice Cream & Internships

    Do you have an internship lined up for summer and want to register for academic credit?  Walk in appointments  will be available to register and you’ll get your pick of an ice cream treat as well! ...

  6. Ice Cream & Internships

    Do you have an internship lined up for summer and want to register for academic credit?  Walk in appointments  will be available to register and you’ll get your pick of an ice cream treat as well! ...

  7. Funded SENR Master's Opportunities

    SENR faculty member, Dr. Matt Davies, is accepting applications for Master’s students for the project, Evaluating vegetation dynamics within the sagebrush steppe in eastern Washington. The position is for an MS in ENR and is fully funded for 2 years! Appl ...

  8. OSU Student Sustainability Fair

    Plan to attend this year’s Student Sustainability Fair, set for 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 6 at the Ohio Union Great Hall Meeting Room. Learn from over 440 sustainability groups, meet zoo animals from 11:00-12:00, get free food and win prizes! BONUS: OutG ...

  9. Bioaugmentation and biostimulation of hydrocarbon degradation and the microbial community in a petroleum-contaminated soil

    Wu, M.L., W.A. Dick, W. Li, X.C. Wang, Q. Yang, T.T. Wang, L.M. Xu, M.H. Zhang and L.M. Chen. 2016. Bioaugmentation and biostimulation of hydrocarbon degradation and the microbial community in a petroleum-contaminated soil. International Biodeterioration ...

  10. A novel landscape genetic approach demonstrates the effects of human disturbance on the Udzungwa red colobus monkey (Procolobus gordonorum)

    Ruiz-Lopez, M.J., C. Barelli, F. Rovero, K. Hodges, C. Roos, W.E. Peterman and N. Ting. 2016. A novel landscape genetic approach demonstrates the effects of human disturbance on the Udzungwa red colobus monkey (Procolobus gordonorum). Heredity   116(2):16 ...
