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  1. Ohio 4-H Conference



    AN EPN special event, Protecting Our Earth’s Biodiversity through Images, Stories, and Action, with Joel Sartore, famed photographer for National Geographic, author, speaker, frequent media guest, and conservationist.  This event will begin at 7:00 p.m. a ...

  3. Cover Crops Can Serve Corn Nitrogen Needs in Continous No-Till

    PIKETON, Ohio – Cover crops incorporated into a continuous no-till field crop rotation can produce enough nitrogen to complement, or in some cases, replace corn nitrogen fertilizer applications, according to long-term Ohio State University Extension resea ...

  4. Alumni Hockey Event

    This year's hockey event (Ohio State vs. Minnesota) will be Saturday, March 7, 201. It is open to all SENR alumni, and their friends and family. All you need to do to get a place in the SENR Alumni block is register and pay for the number of tickets ...

  5. Honors Research Proposal Presentations

    Students will present their Honors Research Proposals starting at 4:10 p.m. in room 333 Kottman Hall. These presentations are a partial fulfillment of the requirements for ENR 4890H. Everyone is invited to attend. ...

  6. 2009

    OCVN State Conference Brochure 2009 ...


    CarTeens sessions are now open to the public for any teenage driver. The cost is 30 dollars. Please call the office to register. ...

  8. Jr Leadership Mtg

    The JL club will hold a general mtg each month except June and July. Officers will meet 30 minutes before the start of the general mtg. ...

  9. The Do’s and Don’ts of Contacting Professors about Research

    Sometimes, the “etiquette” for contacting an expert in your field can be mystifying, and sometimes downright intimidating. Here are some tips from the URO to ease the pressure and increase the chances that you will get the response you’re hoping for. DO… ...

  10. Damian Beauchamp Speaks with ENR Scholars

    Recognized as one of this years Forbes 30 under 30, Damian Beauchamp is pursuing a PhD in Chemistry at Ohio State, and has received national attention and awards for his work with KAir Battery. Damian was a speaker at this year’s TEDx Ohio State Universit ...
