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  1. Atlanta Conference Cover

    Cover  ...

  2. Ohio State STEM Discovery Camp 2015

    This week long camp will be held Monday, July 20 through Friday, July 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center located on the OSU campus.  OSU STEM Discovery Camp is sponsored by Scotts Miracle-Gro® and the College ...

  3. 2013 Excellence in 4-H Award

    2013 Excellence in 4-H Award Bruce P. Zimmer, Extension Educator, 4-H, Monroe County has been recognized by The Ohio State University Extension for his outstanding contribution to the Extension 4-H Youth Development program area. Bruce received the  Excel ...

  4. Extension in big cities 1988

    1988 ...

  5. Senator Bob Peterson: I Got My Start in 4-H


  6. DairyPalooza West

    Event Schedule Registration Information: Reigstration forms, deadlines, and additional details can be found at Event Details: The program, sponsors, and schedule for the day can be found at   Other Contact ...

  7. National 4-H recognizes former Greene County Extension Educator Nancy Bull

    Nancy Harriett Bull Hudson, Ph.D. recently was selected for a prestigious honor- as an inductee into the National 4-H Hall of Fame.  Nancy worked in the Greene County Extension office from 1975-1990 as the County Extension Agent, Home Economics.  Nancy wa ...

  8. Ohio 4-H Engineering team competed at National Contest

    The 12-member Ohio team excelled at the 63rd National 4-H Engineering Challenge held September 29-Oct. 1 at West Lafayette, Indiana. The event had 55 youth from 9 states competing in nine project areas.  Here are the members, county, and the contest areas ...

  9. Teen leadership Camp 2015

    The activities provided at this camp allow teens to build long-lasting friendships with other military youth in an environment designed to challenge and engage them. This camp is designed specifically with your teens in mind designed to challenge and enga ...

  10. OMK Youth Camp 2015 ages 9-11

    This camp is designed specifically with your youth (9-11) in mind. The fun and exciting activities allow these youth to build long lasting friendships in an environment designed to challenge and engage them.  Campers will have the opportunity to participa ...
