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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-30

    September 8, 2009- September 14, 2009 Wesley Haun In This Issue: Wheat Seed Size, Seeding Rate and Seed Treatment Summary of Western Bean Cutworm for 2009 in Ohio Late Bean Leaf Beetle Populations in Soybean Those 60 mph Field Surveys September Weather Ou ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-31

    September 15, 2009- September 21, 2009 Wesley Haun In This Issue: Troubleshooting Incomplete Ear Fill Problems in Corn Cooler Temperatures and Crop Maturity- Any Possible Problems This Fall? Soybean Aphids and Multi-Colored Asian Lady Beetles Overseeding ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-32

    September 21, 2009- September 28, 2009 Wesley Haun In This Issue: Harvest Planning – When to Harvest Those Problem Fields "Blunt Ear" Syndrome Appearing in Ohio Corn Fields Timing Fall Herbicide Treatments Based on Weed Life Cycle Hessian Fly an ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-33

    September 29, 2009- October 5, 2009 Wesley Haun In This Issue: Is it Really Anthracnose Top Dieback? Harvest Aids for Corn and Soybeans Western Bean Cutworm Larvae Found Corn Ear Rot and Potential Mycotoxin Soybean Aphids Going to Buckthorn in Large Numbe ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-34

    October 6, 2009- October 13, 2009 Curtis E. Young In This Issue Handling Frost Damaged Corn Fall and Spring Herbicide Treatments for Management of Marestail- How to Use the Residual Herbicide? Increase Wheat Seeding Rate If Late Planting Becomes a Concern ...

  6. The Mighty River

    As we move downstream, more and more medium-sized streams have emptied into the main channel, contributing to the flow of what eventually becomes a river. The channel flows wider and deeper flowing through a wide flat floodplain along the bottom of the ri ...

  7. Watershed Tour

    Leave your canoe in the garage and float down a virtual stream while you learn about the following: What is a watershed? What are the components that make up a watershed? Why are watersheds so important? What can I do to help protect Ohio's watershed ...

  8. Beef Skillathon

    All 4-H & FFA members must attend a skillathon in order to show their beef animal at the Champaign County Fair. Beef Steer, Feeder & Breeding Skillathon Assignments ...

  9. Goat Skillathon

    All 4-H & FFA members must attend a skillathon in order to show their goat at the Champaign County Fair. Goat Skillathon Study Guides ...

  10. Sheep Skillathon

    All 4-H & FFA members must attend a skillathon in order to show their sheep at the Champaign County Fair. Sheep Skillathon Assignments ...
