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Search results

  1. Member/Mentor Reception

      Location: Ag Admin Auditorium The purpose of this honorary shall be to further the prestige of and interest agriculture, serve as a goal for all students and act as a means of recognition for those persons who are active in extracurricular activities an ...

  2. Pancake Paradise

      Location: Animal Science Arena Come eat all you can eat pancakes for $2 and take a study break. The purpose of this honorary shall be to further the prestige of and interest agriculture, serve as a goal for all students and act as a means of recognition ...

  3. Towers General Meeting

      Location: Ag Admin 105 New Years Resolutions Theme The purpose of this honorary shall be to further the prestige of and interest agriculture, serve as a goal for all students and act as a means of recognition for those persons who are active in extracur ...

  4. Towers General Meeting

      Location: Ag Admin 105 There will be a Thanksgiving celebration. The purpose of this honorary shall be to further the prestige of and interest agriculture, serve as a goal for all students and act as a means of recognition for those persons who are acti ...

  5. Towers General Meeting

      Location: Ag Admin 105 There will be an ice cream bar at this meeting. The purpose of this honorary shall be to further the prestige of and interest agriculture, serve as a goal for all students and act as a means of recognition for those persons who ar ...

  6. Towers Applications Open

      Applications for membership open for Towers. The purpose of this honorary shall be to further the prestige of and interest agriculture, serve as a goal for all students and act as a means of recognition for those persons who are active in extracurricula ...

  7. Towers Meeting

    Location: Ag Admin 105 The purpose of this honorary shall be to further the prestige of and interest agriculture, serve as a goal for all students and act as a means of recognition for those persons who are active in extracurricular activities and are stu ...

  8. Find Your Fit: Try on CFAES Faculty

    Location: Ag Admin Auditorium ...

  9. Late-Season Weed Issues – Are We Having Fun Yet?

    According to our weather guru, there is no close precedent for a summer like this in the last 100 years, and I can’t recall a year with this much mid-season rain in my almost 30 years here.  This has obviously caused immense problems with post-emergence h ...

  10. Wet Weather and Late-Season Fungicides

    Wet weather is continuing to be a problem throughout the state, and many questions are popping up regarding late-season fungicides.  With funding from Ohio Soybean Council, we conducted a “high-input” trial in 2013 (9 locations) and 2014 (7 locations) to ...
