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Welcome to News from Ohio State ATI
Welcome to the inaugural issue of News from Ohio State AT I!. The chief goal of this newsletter is to get better connected with our alumni. We want to keep you informed about what's happening at Ohio State ATI and hope that you will in turn keep us ...
Eric Gates Honors Defense
Eric Gates will present Influence of a Small Instream Wood Addition on Fishes and Hydrology in Channelized Agricultural Headwater Streams in Central Ohio at 11:00 a.m. in 382 Kottman Hall. ...
Native Tree Giveaway and Arbor Day Ceremony in Wooster
Join us on the Wooster campus at the Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair on April 22nd from 11:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. and win a tree! Names will be drawn hourly for FREE native trees, including Ohio Buckeye, Shagbark Hickory, Shumard Oak and Scarlet Oak. Stop by boo ...
Clair Bullock's Honors Defense
Clair Bullock will present Developing the Content for a Sustainability Curriculum at The Ohio State University on Monday, April 21, at 2:00 p.m. in 382 Kottman Hall. ...
Research Assistant with USGS in Ft Collins, CO
Research Assistant- USGS- Fort Collins, Colorado Position Type: Student Contractor, USGS Fort Collins Science Center Title: Science Technician Job Function: Invertebrate taxonomist, field and laboratory assistant – Aquatic Systems Biology Branch, FORT ...
Possible Summer Internship with Rocky Smiley
Pending availability of funding I may have a summer position beginning in May. This will be a short term position that will help me with my fish sampling and instream habitat measurements from channelized and unchannelized agricultural headwater streams ...
OSU Climate Change Webinar
This OSU Climate Change webinar is Climate Change and Extreme Weather: recent events and future forecasts with NOAA meteorologists, Martin Hoerling and Barbara Mayes Boustead. The webinar is free. To register CLICK HERE. This webinar is sponsored by Sea G ...
Chloe Welch's Honors Defense
Chloe Welch will present Bioturbation by the Invasive Rusty Crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) Affects Turbidity and Nutrients: Implications for Harmful Algal Blooms on Friday, April 18, at 3:30 p.m. in Kottman 245. ...
Graduate Research Symposium
A symposium for graduate students to present thesis and dissertation proposals will be held in 245 Kottman Hall. ...
21st Plant Discovery Day in Wooster
Plant & Art Sale-- A premier plant and art sale featuring hard-to-find annuals and perennials, herbs, woody plants and art for the home and landscape. Bug Zoo and free tomato plant for kids. Food service provided by the Montessori School of Wooster. ...