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  1. Stephen Reichley Resources

    Stephen Reichley Resources 208-210 Biosecurity SRAC Pub 4707 SRAC Pub 4708 SRAC Pub 4712 ...

  2. Angela Caporelli Resources

    Angela Caporelli Resources Environmental Chemical Statement Grower and Propagation Permit Finfish Flow Chart (blank) Finfish Flow Chart HACCP for Finfish (blank) HACCP for Finfish HACCP Log Finfish NAA Culinary Brochure NAA Seafood Brochure Q&A Brochu ...

  3. Additional Resources

    Additional Resources Angela Caporelli Resources Stephen Reichley Resources Workshop Resources ...

  4. OSU Experts Offer Beef Quality Assurance Training Workshop

    The workshop is targeted toward any cattle producer who is interested in learning proper management techniques to ensure a safe and wholesome beef product for consumers, said John Grimes, beef coordinator for Ohio State University Extension and a member o ...

  5. 2015 Ohio Sheep Day

    The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and Ohio State University Extension present 2015 Ohio Sheep Day at the Greene County farm of Jim and Denise Percival. Topics include: Pasture renovation, Sheep management, Equipment, Manure and compost ...

  6. Tree Tour and Talks

    The Miami County Master Gardeners present a walking tour of Miami County's "Barboretum" and featured speakers include Fred Hower, "The Ohio Nurseryman". Registration information can be found here. ...

  7. Seneca County's response to the ban on live poultry shows.

    The letter that was sent out to poultry families and exhibitors detailing Seneca County's plan of action can be read here. The Attica Independant Fair has also announced their plan for poultry. Read it here. ...

  8. VegNet

    VegNet is a publication of articles about vegetables and fruits.  This newsletter is weekly during the heart of growing season (March-August), and Bi-weekly during the slower fall/winter months (September-February). The editor of the newsletter is Brad Be ...

  9. Fairy Gardens

    The Master Gardners are sponsoring a Make it n Take it Fairy Garden workshop. Everyone will make one to take home with them. Call the library to register ...

  10. Marketing and Processing Workshop May 2015

    Marketing and Processing Workshop May 2015 1. Agenda 2. Presentations 3. Additional Resources ...
