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  1. New video series Project Journal debuts

    By Bradford Sherman South Centers/CFAES A new video series aimed at finding a new and creative way of storytelling in partnership with the centers’ scientists, researchers, and educators has launched its first episode. Dubbed Project Journal, the series w ...

  2. Ag business owners learn about sources of capital at Money to Grow

    By Christie Welch Direct Food and Agriculural Marketing Specialist One of the critical pieces to growing a business is access to the needed capital. Because food and agriculture-based businesses do not always fit the mold of what most traditional lenders ...

  3. New guide designed to help launch more student agricultural co-ops

    By: Hannah Scott Program Director, CFAES Center for Cooperatives If you’re involved in agriculture in the United States, there is a good chance you interact with cooperatives. Students planning a future in agriculture will likely become the member-owners, ...

  4. Workbook Topics

    (click on pictures to enlarge) ...

  5. Dr. Seungki Lee

    Dr. Seungki Lee Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) Agricultural Innovation and Technology Adoption and Environmental Economi ...

  6. FFMPI Affiliated Faculty & Staff

    FFMPI Affliated Faculty and Staff Members   ...

  7. Cultivating Connections: A Conference for Farm Transition Planners


  8. Affiliated Faculty & Staff

    Affiliated Faculty & Staff Faculty and staff of The Ohio State University, other academic institutions, and other relevant entities can apply for Affiliate status with FFMPI. Affiliate status is a designation for faculty and staff who are not hired to ...

  9. Become a Master Gardener Volunteer

    People interested in becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer follow a volunteer selection process. The first step in this process is to inquire about an application at the Miami County Extension office. The process also includes attendance at an Intern Orien ...

  10. New Bulletin Available: The Charitable Remainder Trust Strategy for Retiring Farmers

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