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Search results

  1. Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio


  2. Specialized Feeding for Parents and Caregivers


  3. Open Faculty Positions

    The department is pleased to announce that they have openings for two faculty positions. Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Enology and Fermentation This is a newly created position and is a split appointment between the Department of Food Science and ...

  4. Dean's Updates

    Below is an archive of updates from Dr. Cathann A. Kress, Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. For COVID-19 resources and updates, please visit: 2024: S ...

  5. College Credit Plus

    Earn free high school and college credit close to home as a Buckeye through Ohio State Academy: College Credit Plus at The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon, offered in partnership with Ohio State ATI. For details, download our information bo ...

  6. Join our ListServ

    What is a ListServ? A ListServ is a fast way to communicate by email. How does the ListServ work? A ListServ works by allowing us to send one email to a group of subscribers interested in a program area.    What can you expect to recieve from the OSU Sout ...

  7. The Value of Community Strategic Plans in Corporate Location Decision-Making


  8. A Guide to Corn Growth and Development


  9. Celeste Miller

    Celeste Miller MS Student 266F Parker Food Science and Technology 2015 Fyffe Road- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  10. MEP Partnerships

    Online training from The Ohio State University ATI and Tooling U-SME offers a quick-start, progressive road map that allows manufacturers to build career paths for employees. Learm more:  Online Training for Manufacturers | Ohio State ATI (   ...
