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  1. Taylor Lab


  2. Niblack Lab


  3. Graham Publications

    Recent Publications Please contact for details on current projects. Jiye Cheng, Chunhua Yuan, Terrence L. Graham. 2011. Potential defense-related prenylated isoflavones in lactofen-induced soybean.  Phytochemistry. (Formally Accepted) Pan ...

  4. Misc Photos 2008

                   The Science Museum of Minnesota unveiled a special exhibit, "Plants Get Sick, Too."  Clara Zumpetta (left photo, standing left) worked as a volunteer at the exhibit during the meeting.                         The meeting had sever ...

  5. 2011 American Phytopathological Society

    American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting Aug. 6-10, 2011 Honolulu, Hawaii Ohio State Plant Pathology- Awards and Presentations Hehe Wang- recipient of the 2011 APS Foundation Raymond G. Grogan Student Travel Award > More information Alissa B. ...

  6. McSpadden Gardener publications

    2012 Kim, Hyun Jung); Lee, Jin Hee; Kang, Beom Ryong; Rong, Xiaoqing; McSpadden Gardener, Brian B; Ji, Hyung Jin; Park, Chang-Seuk; Kim, Kim, Young Cheol. Draft Genome Sequence of Pantoea ananatis B1-9, a Nonpathogenic Plant Growth-Promoting Bacterium.  J ...

  7. Photo Album 2

    Robbie Beaulieu Comparative Studies major, Honors Program, Ohio State, 2008 Undergraduate Honors Thesis research:  Dollar spot disease on turfgrass; investigations into oxalic acid production in Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, the causal agent of dollar spot.  R ...

  8. Bonello Publications

    Kleczewski Nathan M.; Herms Daniel A.; Bonello Pierluigi. 2012. Nutrient and water availability alter belowground patterns of biomass allocation, carbon partitioning, and ectomycorrhizal abundance in Betula nigra.  Trees- Structure and Function  26(2): 52 ...

  9. Youth Development

    Purpose The purpose of the Youth Development SPRIG is to bring together faculty and students interested in exploring research, teaching and services activities relating to the youth. Introduction Youth development is the process of growing up and developi ...

  10. History Timeline

    1862- Passage of Morrill's Land Grant Act.  Signed by President Abraam Lincoln, the act changed higher education by bringing agricultural and vocational studies to the mostly rural population of the U.S. 1870- The university was established as the Oh ...
