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Wayne County 4-H Fun Fair
Fun Fair Flyer and Details! ...
Mandatory Breeding Rabbit Registration
Mandatory Pre-Fair Weigh-In/Registration For Feeders, Market Goats, & Market Sheep
Scout for Alfalfa Weevil
I have gotten a few phone calls from growers who say they are seeing some spotty damage in their alfalfa fields caused by alfalfa weevil. Due to our cool weather temperatures through this point in May, I would not expect much alfalfa weevil activity yet, ...
Monitor Wheat for Risk of Head Scab
This week Pierce Paul, OSU Extension wheat and corn pathologist, provides us advice on monitoring for risk of head scab. Wheat is now heading out in some fields, and will likely begin flowering over the next two to three weeks. On average, it usually tak ...
Global Climate Change and Gardening
Come learn about the history of climate change, its current trends and outlook, and hear tips on gardening practices relative to climate change with Dr. Thomas Blaine on Thursday evening, June 9, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the Frontier Power Community Room. Dr. B ...
How can you prevent food poisoning from Salmonella in your home?
Have you ever had "food poisoning?" Food poisoning is the common term many people use to refer to foodborne illness. When an outbreak occurs, Salmonella bacteria are very likely the cause since this is one of the most common types of foodborne ...
A Time To Begin
It’s approaching the season of high school and college graduations, and many new life beginnings. Many of us can reflect on a time in our lives when we were faced with these transitions. Times when the future was uncertain or not turning out the way we ...
News: David Willoughby Received Lifetime Achievement Award from Ohio Turfgrass Foundation
David Willoughby served as coordinator of the turfgrass management program at Ohio State ATI for more than 20 years. Nearly 1,000 students have graduated from the program during his tenure and his students have gone on to have successful careers in the in ...
Botulism Prevention with Small Grain Baleage
Bacteria in the clostridial family are responsible for producing the dangerous toxin that causes botulism. These clostridial bacteria are found everywhere in the soil and are common on plant material during harvest. Clostridial bacteria are ...