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  1. 2012 Farm Bill Debate: Multiple-Year Risk Assistance Programs

    Most farm safety net provisions in the Farm Bills passed by the full Senate and the House of Representative’s Committee on Agriculture can be classified into 3 categories: (1) enhancements to crop insurance, (2) assistance against shallow losses, and (3) ...

  2. Do Volatility Smiles Matter for Pricing Asian Basket Options? The Case of Livestock Gross Margin Insurance for Dairy Cattle

    By M. Bozic, J. Newton, C.S. Thraen, B.W. Gould Livestock Gross Margin Insurance for Dairy Cattle (LGM-Dairy) is Asian basket option-like insurance tool that enables U.S. dairy producers to protect income-over-feed-costs margins. While LGM-Dairy rating me ...

  3. Parametric Bootstrap Tests for Futures Price and Implied Volatility Biases with Application to Rating Livestock Margin Insurance for Dairy Cattle

    By M. Bozic, J. Newton, C.S. Thraen, B.W. Gould A common approach in the literature, whether the investigation is about futures price risk premiums or biases in option-based implied volatility coefficients, is to use samples in which consecutive observati ...

  4. Report

    2012 Total records: 7007 Total hours (volunteer and advanced training): 27,658.6 Total volunteer records: 5527 Total volunteer hours: 21,128.3 Total advanced training records: 1,480 Total advanced training hours:  6,530.3 Total volunteers reporting: 358 T ...

  5. Emeriti


  6. Job Market Candidates


  7. Program Staff


  8. Staff


  9. Multimedia


  10. OSU Autumn Commencement 2012

    Title: OSU Autumn Commencement Date: 2012-12-16 ...
