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  1. Rabbit and Cavy Advisors Meeting


  2. Sheepmen's Meeting


  3. Fairboard Meeting


  4. Holiday-Office Closed

    Thank a Veteran today! ...

  5. CFAES Grad Report Positive Jobs Outlook

    Graduating senior Jessica Rose will soon trade her backpack and classroom desks for a business suit and production lines  as one of the newest operations management trainees for Cargill Kitchen Solutions, a Minnesota-based food manufacturing company. To r ...

  6. Dr. Ken Lee named 2014 recipient of the Harold Macy Award

    FST Professor Dr. Ken Lee has been named the 2014 recipient of the Harold Macy Award.             The award, established in 1981, is given annually to recognize an outstanding example of food technology transfer or cooperation between scientists or techno ...

  7. Ohio State to host 2014 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short Course

    FST Professor Bala Balasubramaniam and colleagues will be hosting the 2014 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short Course at OSU between October 21-23, 2014.   The International Nonthermal workshop, held annually for the past 12 years, typi ...

  8. New ‘Critically Sensitive’ Technology Providing Potential for Broad Range of Scientific Discovery

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio State University researchers are investigating the benefits of using a new analytical platform in the emerging field of metabolomics. Experts say the platform has the potential to open doors for new discoveries in disease prevention ...

  9. Cakes & chemistry: the science of baking

    It’s one of the first lessons in culinary school: Baking is a science. Any slight changes in a recipe — too much baking powder, over-mixing a batter — can make the difference between a moist cupcake and a hockey puck. “There is definitely an art to baking ...

  10. FST Major Quynh Duong's Student Blog

    FST student Quynh Duong blogs about her experience in product development competitions. To read more: ...
