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Search results

  1. Bee Health Program, Wooster


  2. Bee Health Program, Wooster


  3. Stone Lab Guest Lecture, Put-in-Bay

    Applying the Green Rule to Lake Erie. Details. ...

  4. Organic Dairy Tour and Workshop, Circleville

    Learn herd health monitoring. To register: 614- 421-2022 Ext. 209 or Information: ...

  5. The History of OARDC, Wooster

    The History of OARDC ...

  6. Communication and Conflict Management

    Conflict is a part of our daily lives at work or at home. How we manage conflict has a direct impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, the quality of work, and the quality of work from our respective teams or units. Effectively dealing with and usi ...

  7. Camp Counselor and Award Trip Scholarship Applications

    Members 13 years old and older were sent a packet with camp counselor and award trip scholarship information and applications.  Both are due back to the Extension Office by December 15, 2015.   The 4-H Advisory Council and Junior Leadership have made scho ...

  8. Steer Weigh-In and Sheep Barn Meeting

    Members who are exhibiting a steer project at the fair this coming year need to attend steer weigh-in.  This will be held on Saturday December 5, 2015 from 8:00-10:30 am at the fair grounds.  The Sheep Barn is inviting all sheep exhibitors and their famil ...

  9. Private Pesticide Recertification Make-Up/Specialty Crop Video Program

    This make-up/specialty crop video pesticide recertification meets the requirements for private pesticide applicators who need recertification in Core, Grain & Cereal Crop, Forage Crop & Livestock, Fumigation, Fruits & Vegetables, Nursery & ...

  10. 2-Hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    This 2 hour fertilizer training meets the requirements for both commercial and private applicators who currently have an Ohio Pesticide License Pre-register at ...
