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  1. Study Abroad Information Session for Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand

    Environment and Natural Resources Focus Information Session for Antarctica, Australia, and New Zealand Room 115 Mendenhall Lab                          Presenters:  Program Resident Directors and Alumni ...

  2. The Last Text

    'The Last Text'- When It Comes to Texting and Driving, It Can Wait! Please take 10 minutes to view the video "The Last Text". Then take a minute to STOP & THINK! Take out your wireless device. Read the last text message you receive ...

  3. Grazing School

    Find recent "Grazing School" presentations on-line here! The "Pastures for Profit" grazing school is a comprehensive course in Management Intensive Grazing Pastures for Profit is a comprehensive management intensive grazing school offe ...

  4. 2014 CFAES-GSD Undergraduate Research Workshop

    CFAES and Gamma Sigma Delta Members invite you to attend the inaugural Undergraduate Research Workshop, held November 13, 3:30pm- 5:00pm, Ag. Admin. Auditorium. Any student currently involved in research and will be presenting research findings at the 201 ...

  5. ES Save the Date


  6. Climate, Geography, and the Origins of Economic and Political Institutions

    Stephen Haber, A.A. and Jeanne Welch Milligan Professor at Stanford University, will speak at 3:30 p.m. Thursday (11/16) about "Climate, Geography, and the Origins of Economic and Political Institutions" at the Mershon Center for International S ...

  7. EPN Success Network Session Application

    Click here for application ...

  8. SENR Graduate Student Invited to Attend World Food Prize Events

    Boniface Massawe, a doctoral student specializing in soil science in the  School of Environment and Natural Resources  and a  Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP) Fellow, will attend the  World Food Prize  events in Des M ...

  9. US Forest Service Joint Outreach Notice of 2 Positions


  10. Conservation Ecology in an African Biodiversity "Hotspot"

    The OSU Department of Anthropology welcomes Carolyn L. Ehardt, Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at San Antonio, who will present Conservation Ecology in an African Biodiversity 'Hotspot"-- Challenging Issues, Multifacet ...
