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  1. Undergraduate Research workshop, Spilling the Beans: The Secrets of Undergraduate Research

    20 Page Hall, Columbus.  RSVP at event website.  Part of Fall Undergraduate Research Week. ...

  2. CD Weekly Wire- September 9, 2013

    AD Update: Final Galaxy Prep... Many of us will be attending the Galaxy Conference next week in Pittsburgh. Thanks to Rose Merkowitz, we have an attendee list that tells us who is traveling when. You may want to refer to it and identify possible carpoolin ...

  3. Seminar: Godwill Chewachong, PhD candidate, Plant Pathology, Ohio State

    Attenuation of Pepino mosaic virus through rational design. 121 Fisher/Wooster videolinked to 244 Kottman/Columbus ...

  4. Exit Seminar, Gautam Shirsekar, PhD candidate, Plant Pathology, Ohio State (G-L Wang, advisor)

    Exit Seminar: The Fungal Effector AvrPiz-t Manipulates Rice Immune Responses by Interfering with Ubiquitination. 244 Kottman/Columbus videolinked to 121 Fisher/Wooster ...

  5. Farm Science Review, London, Ohio


  6. Farm Science Review, London, Ohio


  7. Farm Science Review, London, Ohio


  8. Salem Area


  9. City of West Carrollton

    West Carrollton Sustainable Comprehensive Plan A Community Vision and Comprehensive Plan Created through the Principles of Sustainability ...

  10. City of Kent

    City of Kent Bicentennial Plan In 2001 the City of Kent, Ohio decided to update their Comprehensive Plan. It was the desire of the elected officials in cooperation with the City Manager to create a plan that incorporated sustainable development concepts. ...
