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  1. Corn Sweat and Humidity: A Few Facts Explained

    Every summer, as conditions heat up and humidity levels rise during mid-summer, we hear the phrase “corn sweat.” What is corn sweat and how much does it contribute to the oppressive heat in the summer? As you can imagine, this is a complex question to ans ...

  2. Corn Sweat

    Read More image with an ear of corn Corn sweat and humidity — are they scientifically connected? ...

  3. Who should get the HPV vaccine?

    All children from ages 11 to 12, teens, and young adults through age 26 should get the HPV vaccine. Early protection works best. That’s why the HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccine is recommended earlier rather than later. It protects your child long befor ...

  4. 4-H Professionals In-Service


  5. Co-op Law Conference: Building a Cooperative Economy Together ​

    Explore the intersection of law and cooperative development with national and regional experts! This year’s theme, “Building a Cooperative Economy Together,” will focus on cooperative solutions and challenges. If you’re interested in social enterprise, co ...

  6. 4-H Professionals Retreat

    This will be an overnight event. A 45-mile exemption has been obtained. You will be responsible for your mileage, lodging, and a small registration fee to help cover meals, meeting rooms, etc. ...

  7. 4-H Fundamentals: Fall Focus

    4-H Fundamentals are an effort to provide some focused training on key topics at a timely point in the year in order to better prepare 4-H professionals to handle their new (or not so new) role.  This opportunity is geared toward new professionals, but is ...

  8. Cucurbit Research Update and Pest Scouting Clinic

    Join us to tour research plots and hear updates from Extension specialists on a variety of topics including pumpkin management, squash bug thresholds, the use of season-long row covers, watermelon pollination, melon variety evaluation, and more. These eve ...

  9. Aging

    The OSU Extension Aging team provides educational programs to help older adults age well and live independently. Some of the programs offered by team members include: Aging Smart Alzheimer's Association Educational Programs Bingocize * Healthy Aging ...

  10. A Modern Approach to Crop and Pest Management in Pumpkin (PDF)

    This guide was written primarily with pumpkin production in the Midwest in mind; however, many of the practices can be extended to states in the Northeast or South. The pest complex and management are nearly the same for othercucurbits, such as squash, me ...
