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Battle for the Belt: Episode 22
R5, this is bumped up to 10% defoliation. Normally when people scout, they assume a higher defoliation ...
Keep an Eye on the Horizon for Dry Weather Insect Pests
While nobody knows what the future holds regarding weather, recent dry conditions have made people ...
Updated Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations Available
Watters, Ed Lentz, Ryan Haden, Eric Richer, Bethany Herman, Nicole Hoekstra, Peter Thomison, Rich Minyo, ...
Alexandra Tanner
sentence, why did you become a Peer Mentor? As a transfer student myself, I want to help people transition ...
Alexandra Tanner
sentence, why did you become a Peer Mentor? As a transfer student myself, I want to help people transition ...
Theresa Octaviano
Ohio State? I love all the people I've been able to meet and friends I've made. I also love ...
Ashley Tate
about Ohio State? I love the people! Everyone is so kind and willing to lend a helping hand. Fun Fact: ...
Can Root-Knot Nematodes be a Problem in Ohio?
in Plant and Soil Science from Tarleton State University, M.S. degree in plant pathology from ...
Kaitlyn Polekoff
Ohio State? Definitely the people and community! There are so many ways to make new friends and ...
STEAM students enjoy a day at South Centers
educating young people. Seeing their eagerness to learn, the intelligent questions they asked, and how they ...