
Search results

  1. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1952-1959

    legion. 1958 Ivan McKellip* Educator; USDA fieldman Born 1886. B.S.- University of Nebraska. M.S ...

  2. 2015 Publications

    Microbiol Biotechnol 99(2):969-80. Lilburn MS and Loeffler S. 2015. Early intestinal growth and development ...

  3. Ohio farmers’ markets increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) redemption by offering incentives

    on Saturdays, we have a couple of people who split their mornings between us and Worthington FM, ...

  4. M.S. Graduate Research Assistant- Range Livestock Research

    A graduate research assistantship in range livestock research is available in the Department of Animal and Veterinary Science at the University of Idaho. All coursework will be completed at the UI campus in Moscow, ID and research will be conducted from t ...

  5. August

    table has room for the people presenting papers and a few others.  It’s a great format for giving your ...

  6. 2014 Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources Program Achievements

    and citizens. The test kit was developed at the OSU South Centers several years ago. People from ... ://,, Rafiq Islam, Alan Sundermeier and Jim Hoorman visited the Peoples Republic of ...

  7. Urban Agriculture

    Weinland Park This presents a significant opportunity to provide fresh vegetables and fruits to people who ...

  8. Current and Ongoing Proposal Deadlines

    (benefit animals, primarily dogs, through research, training, and adoption, especially where people and ...

  9. One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health- Protecting People and Planet

    Keynote presentation by Dr. Lonnie King. Dr. Tony Forshey will be moderator. Panel of experts and leaders includes Dr. Barbara Wolfe and Dr. Ron Kensinger. ...

  10. Our People

    The ESS Lab is comprised of dedicated faculty and graduate students, who  possess overlapping areas of specialization and expertise,. ...
