
Search results

  1. Handheld Raman for rapid screening for the oil type used in potato chip manufacturing

    Siyu Yao MS Luis Rodriguez-Saona Department of Food Science and Technology Oil is a key ingredient ...

  2. The Effect of Brief Human-Animal Interaction on the Stress, Mood, and Anxiety levels of Undergraduate Students during a Finals Examination Period

    Shannon Kelley MS Kimberly Cole Department of Animal Sciences Student mental health is ...

  3. Establishment of Baseline Levels for California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) Welfare Assessment

    Madeline Winans MS Kelly George Department of Animal Sciences As the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium ...

  4. Development of an Evidence-Based Welfare Approach for Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in Human Care

    Brittany Fischer MS Kelly George Department of Animal Sciences Animal welfare science is an ...

  5. Soil physical properties under avocado and tropical rainforest

    Patricia Marie Cordero Irizarry MS Dr. Rattan Lal School of Environment and Natural Resources Soil ...

  6. Improving the flavor of fermented foods: Biotransformation of hydroxycinnamic acids into volatile aroma compounds by lactic acid bacteria from dairy products

    uHPLC-DAD-ESI-MS, monitoring for longer retention times, shorter λ230-500 max than their precursor, and ...

  7. Summer Days Ahead: Don’t Ignore Heat Stress!

    heat stress and heat stroke People may begin feeling hot, tired, and sweaty.  Excessive heat and ...

  8. Modeling the effects of management practices on soil greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient content for a corn-soybean system

    Garrett Steinbeck MS Sami Khanal Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering ...

  9. Stand Up, Speak Out! How to Interrupt Bias by Being an Active Bystander

    unintentionally cause harm to others, especially those directed toward people in vulnerable populations. Have you ...

  10. How to Build Relationships in Grad School

    implement strategies for supportive community building in your department; identify people and offices on ...
