
Search results

  1. FRESH: The New Frontier for Ag safety and Health Resources

    Biological Engineering, Penn State Agricultural Safety and Health Program Linda M. Fetzer, MS, Extension ...

  2. ‘Tis the Season for Funnel Clouds

    Designate where to go for protection from a tornado and ensure adequate assistance and access for people ...

  3. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Ohio AgrAbility Makes a Difference with ASM Club

    people make all the difference.” Atkinson, a lifelong dairy farmer and the second generation to own the ...

  4. Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities

    Please come an join us at this one-day workshop! “People with intellectual and developmental ... knowledge and understanding of employment for people with developmental disabilities in agricultural ... settings • Learn about existing agricultural models that employ people with developmental disabilities ...

  5. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Ohio AgrAbility Educational Workshops

    business accessible to people of all ages and abilities The OAP team may be able to customize a workshop to ...

  6. Lawn Mowing Safety

    mower safety is not practiced. Each year, nearly 80,000 people are treated in emergency rooms for ...

  7. A Recipe for Recreational Safety at the Farm Pond

    incidents, on average about nine people die from drowning every day in the United States.” To make your pond ...

  8. National Farm Safety and Health Week, Sept. 15-21, 2013

    to people that aren’t typically included in other workforces.” To read the whole article, http ...

  9. Steve Culman Publications

    Crews, T.E., Blesh, J., Culman, S.W., Hayes, R.C., Jensen, E.S., Mack, M.C., Peoples, M.B., Schipanski, ...

  10. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Rolling Lift Carts

    require two people to safely lift or move items, or to hitch equipment to a tractor. A good alternative to ...
