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Webinar: Introduction to Neurodivergence
community. Value the unique gifts, abilities, and skills neurodivergent people possess because of their ... neurodivergent people in a variety of contexts. Function as an ally to neurodivergent people by countering ...
Webinar: Understanding ADHD
unique gifts, abilities, and skills people with ADHD possess because of their experiences living in ... a society primarily designed for neurotypical brains. Better understand and engage with people who have ADHD ... in a variety of contexts. Function as an ally to people with ADHD by countering misinformation with ...
Joao Carlos Gomes Neto, PhD, MS
Joao Carlos Gomes Neto, PhD, MS Assistant Professor of Food Safety and Antimicrobial Resistance ... and Technology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2016 MS- Veterinary Microbiology, Iowa State ...
Workshop: Exploding Myths About Transgender and Nonbinary People
Although transgender and nonbinary people have gained significant visibility over the past decade, ... hostile to people with gender identities that fall outside of cisnormativity (i.e., the belief that being ... about people who have for centuries defied conventional gender norms must be challenged and replaced in ...
Dr. Kirby Krogstad joins the Department of Animal Sciences
his BS from South Dakota State University in Dairy Production before earning his MS and PhD in Animal ...
Agricultural Rescue Programming
fighters of agricultural emergencies. As people become more removed for the farm, there is a need to ...
Global Education
industry. Learn about people and their different perspectives. Invest in yourself by showing that you value ...
Kirby Krogstad
Dakota State University, his MS from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and his PhD from Michigan State ...
(Speaker Series) Cultivating Understanding: Engaging with Opposing Views in Agricultural Discussions
Monsanto on technologies such as genetically modified organisms that some people found controversial or ... confusing. Using agricultural communication as an example, Janice will outline ways to approach people who ...
April White 1 Animal Sciences Building M.S. April works in the laboratory of Dr. Jeff Firkins in Ruminant ...