
Search results

  1. Ella Higgins

    State?  My favorite thing about Ohio State is making connections with amazing people!   Fun Fact:  I play ...

  2. Ellie Shaw

    Ohio State?  All the opportunities CFAES has to offer and meeting new people!   Fun Fact:  I’m an aunt ...

  3. Abby Cornelius

    nervous, and I want to help other people feel as comfortable as I do now!  ...

  4. Ryanna Tietje

    connecting them with resources and people they need to thrive as they complete their studies at The Ohio ...

  5. Environmental Policy and Decision Making

    with people.  Previous Curriculum Guides Policy and Governance:  Students can take classes in public ...

  6. 2021 CFAES Celebration of Students

      Tessa Pinkerton (Co-Chair)   Shae Leeper (Co-Chair)   Lucy Pullins    Josh Strine   Nicole McMullen ...

  7. Jacqueline M. Fox

    future. “Ms. Julie Townsend was one of the first people to interview me for a scholarship. Once she found ... technology..... Ms. Townsend overall helped solidify that I chose the right major for my future career, and was ...

  8. Mary L. Buehler

    celebration events. Mary’s life’s mission is to connect people to the resources they need, specifically within ... a Buckeye is not just about the college experience, it is for life! Ms. Amy Jo Baughman was identified as ... grateful for Ms. Baughman’s influence and is hopeful one day she will be able to emulate her wisdom and ...

  9. Caleb Rykaczewski

    this growth to the people who provided a sense of family and community while in Columbus. He was ... He wishes to acknowledge Ms. Mariette Benage and Dr. Alvaro Garcia Guerra with his deepest ... inspired by Ms. Benage’s hard work and dedication during his interactions with her as a student and service ...

  10. Hailey A. Snyder

    Her time in this position taught her how different people learn as well as honed her own leadership ... degree program through Ohio State’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Hailey has named Ms. Mariette Benage ... as her mentor. Ms. Benage has guided and advised Hailey throughout her undergraduate career and has ...
