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Corn Nutrient Management
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Evaluation of Adapt-N and FieldView Corn N Fertilizer Tools in Ohio
In a recent article for the C.O.R.N. Newsletter, Steve Culman reviews the evaluation reports from NutrientStar for Adapt-N and FieldView, tools to provide farmers with customized corn nitrogen (N) fertilization rates. The article provides a summary of the ...
Pressure Canner Guage Testing Guidelines
FACTORY SERVICE DEPARTMENT Canton Sales and Storage Company 555 Matthews Drive Canton, MS 39046-0529 For ...
February is Heart Disease Awareness Month
preventing heart disease. Stress makes the heart beat faster to get ready for action. People who are stressed ...
Considerations for planting winter wheat
For farmers considering the addition of wheat to their crop rotation, it's time to figure out management strategies as soybean harvest is fast approaching. Laura Lindsey, Pierce Paul, Ed Lentz, and the CCA have written an excellent article for the C. ...
Ohio No-till Field Day
Join us for the Ohio No-till Field Day in August! We'll be sharing what we've learned so far from our studies in no-till. Established in 1962, the Triplett Van Doren no-till research plots are the longest running research plots of their nature. ...
Soil Health Testing
PROJECT SUMMARY Total organic matter is an important soil property that is routinely measured in standardized soil tests. However, total organic matter is not an ideal indicator of nutrient availability because the majority of this pool is not plant avail ...
Madison Campbell
Madison Campbell Undergraduate Research Assistant Williams Hall Madison is a student at ATI majoring in agronomy. She is interested in soil science and it's applications in agronomic research and is using her time with the Soil Fertility Lab to explo ...
Soil Health Workshop: What is soil health and how can it be measured?
The Association of Ohio Pedologists will be hosting a soil health workshop on Tuesday, August 7th featuring presentations from members of the Soil Fertility Lab. The workshop will cover soil health concepts, quantitative measurements, and recent developme ...
Soil Cation Balancing
PROJECT SUMMARY The concept of basic cation saturation ratio (BCSR) was developed in the early 1900’s as part of soil fertilizer recommendation philosophies. BCSR proposes there is an ideal basic cation saturation ratio at soil exchange sites (where soils ...