
Search results

  1. Graduate Student Wins Future Leader in Science Award

    the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez and her M.S. in Soil Science (2015) from The Ohio State ...

  2. SENR Announcements, April 11

    ", MS student  Alec Ogg, " The influence of management and inherent soil properties on soil ... organic carbon ", and MS student  Jordan Pitt, " Electromagnetic Induction Techniques for ...

  3. Get your tickets! Ohio 4-H Youth Development Night at Great American Ball Park with the Reds

    programs that will empower youth to lead for a lifetime! In 4-H, we believe in developing young people who ...

  4. Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee

    Management   —  Nicole King, University of Toledo and Patrick Kocovsky, U.S. Geological Survey Ohio's ... Geological Survey (USGS) and Nicole King, University of Toledo Three Invasive Macrophytes in Ohio:Nymphoides ... Geological Survey and Nicole King, University of Toledo Ohio Grass Carp Response Strategy — John Navarro, ...

  5. Congress draws Arachnologists from all over the world

    friendly and open to sharing. This meeting, being the international congress, I met people from all over ...

  6. Stepping Into the Field: Bridging the Gap between Researchers and Local Farmers in Tanzania

    region. Steven Doyle, a M.S. student of the  School of Environment and Natural Resources, conducted field ...

  7. Rural and Environmental Sociology

    well-being of people and places.    Want to learn more? Contact Us Purpose The Graduate Minor in Rural and ...

  8. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    program designed for people with diabetes and their family members or caregivers. Dates: April 15, 2024  ...

  9. Alumni Career Spotlight: Michael Keeler

    establish my business, I had to put myself out into the world not knowing if people would like my business ... I wanted. My internship showed me that people were eager to learn how to be better stewards of the ...

  10. ASC Science Sundays- "Climate change in Ohio: What should you do?"

    occurring, it is caused by people, it is bad for people, and we can solve it! We will walk through the ...
