
Search results

  1. Marne Titchenell Talk about Bats at Columbus Audubon Center- Columbus, Ohio

    her B.S. and M.S. in wildlife management and forestry from The Ohio State University. She has gained ...

  2. Dee Jepsen, PhD

    Resource Development, minor in Public Health * M.S. Agricultural Education * B.S. Animal Sciences * A.S. ...

  3. Be Aware of Winter’s Silent Killer

    powered generators, furnaces and chimneys. More than 200 people die each year in the U.S. from incidental ... monitor. Together, these devices alert provide a quick alert for people to leave the area.   For additional ...

  4. Dr. Bill Hildebolt

    earning his BS specializing in food technology and his MS and PhD in horticulture, Hildebolt began an ... area 20 years ago. Now people are finally realizing the full potential of biology-based programs,” he ...

  5. Alumni in the News

    Popp wins Farm Bureau Discussion Meet Amanda Raines, MS in Agricultural and Extension Education, 2017 ...

  6. Urban Farming – A Booming Industry Supported by OSU Extension

    people in the neighborhoods have benefited from having access to fresh, healthy foods grown nearly in ...

  7. Columbus Green Drinks- Columbus, ohio

    dynamic group of people who make Green Drinks a keystone in Columbus'  eco-conscious culture. This ...

  8. Commodity Classic Draws CFAES to the Crescent City

    1983; MS, Agricultural Economics, 1986) for their kind hospitality. ...

  9. Who in the world is the CFAES Alumni Society Board?

    nachos that could feed three people at Ethyl and Tank. But to this day, I love nachos! After three years ...

  10. Healthy food, land, and people depend on supported research

    Your support to student research could change how we look at agriculture in the future. ...
