
Search results

  1. Rebecca McGuire

    Background BS/MS Agriscience & Extension Education; Minor: Biology; Michigan State University   Work ...

  2. Donuts with the Dean FRIDAY

    What I value most in our college is our people, and interacting with all of our faculty, staff and ...

  3. Food Safety

    a variety of food safety programming throughout the state.  The manner in which people handle and prepare ... food is a major reason why foodborne illness occurs.  People must alter their food handling behavior, ... Five food safety video lessons developed for grocery store non-management employees Healthy People ...

  4. Backyard Poultry Certification Course

    Interest in keeping backyard poultry has been increasing steadily as more and more people want to ...

  5. Volunteers needed for CFAES Carnival on 4/15

    we have a crew of people coming to help tear down afterwards, but are still looking for individuals ...

  6. Gardening for Conservation Webinar Series- Rooting Out Trouble: Managing Invasive Plants in Your Landscape

    causing big problems for people and wildlife alike. In this session, we’ll explore common ornamental ...

  7. Get your tickets! Ohio 4-H Youth Development Night at Great American Ball Park with the Reds

    programs that will empower youth to lead for a lifetime! In 4-H, we believe in developing young people who ...

  8. Food Preservation Home Food preservation information, programs, and pressure canner testing are available across ...

  9. Agricultural Rescue Programming

    fighters of agricultural emergencies. As people become more removed for the farm, there is a need to ...

  10. Outstanding Student Awards- Nominations Due FRIDAY

    a mobile device, you must ensure you have the MS Word app on your device.       All current students will ...
