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Kalyna Kulchytsky
about Ohio State? I love meeting people and seeing all the friendly faces across campus. I also love ...
Emma Irvin
so many amazing people that became my best friends. Fun Fact: I am an only child. In one sentence, ...
Lilly Marsh
different people! Fun Fact: I was a majorette in high school and I would twirl fire every Friday Night at ...
Glen Arnold
Indiana for five years and was a county extension educator in Putnam County, Ohio for 22 years. M.S ...
Nicole Greene
RANK: SOPHOMORE MAJOR: ANIMAL SCIENCES HOMETOWN: oceanside, ny What’s your favorite thing about Ohio State? The school traditions. Fun Fact: I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. In one sentence, why did you become a Peer Mentor? I want to help incoming students ...
Nicole Greene
RANK: SOPHOMORE MAJOR: ANIMAL SCIENCES HOMETOWN: OCeanside, ny What’s your favorite thing about Ohio State? The school traditions. Fun Fact: I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. In one sentence, why did you become a Peer Mentor? I want to help incoming students ...
Mark Badertscher
Ohio State University- 1987 M.S. Agricultural Education- The Ohio State University- 1996 ...
Tapping Student Strengths: Using Effective Interpersonal Approaches
session with additional resources. Ms. Keegan Hange Program Coordinator, Program Excel, CFAES Wooster ... Ms. Dee Dee Snyder Program Manager, Program Excel, CFAES Wooster ...
Agricultural Rescue Programming
fighters of agricultural emergencies. As people become more removed for the farm, there is a need to ...
Greg LaBarge
419-460-0600 Download Greg Labarge's CV MS, Agronomy, University of Missouri- Columbia ...