
Search results

  1. Kichoon Lee

    SG, Kang YJ, Kim YK, Shin HS, Seong PN, Hwang IS, Park BY, Hwang SS, Lee SS, Ryu YC, Lee JH, Ko MS ... Nutrition. Vol. 96 No.4:656-662 36. Park YJ, Mohamed ES, Oh SA, Yoon SJ, Kwon WS, Kim HR, Lee MS, Lee K, Pang ...

  2. Ippolito appointed as the Dr. Rattan Lal Endowed Professor at Ohio State

    educational background also includes an MS in soil chemistry/fertility from CSU and a BS in plant science with ...

  3. The Ohio State University and Innergex Renewable Energy partner to bring Immersive Farming Experience to Ohioans

    degrees of real-life videos. Most of the videos feature vantage points from locations where people cannot ... a futuristic and innovative way for people to learn about agriculture and many other topics, and we’re pleased ... Extension professionals throughout the state bring people and ideas together to help CFAES sustain life. ...

  4. Past CFAES Alumni Award Honorees by Last Name

    Nicol  MS '72, BS '69 Agricultural Education, Distinguished Alumni Award 2008 Donald L. Noah ... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Jareer M. Abu-Ali PhD '04, MS '02 Food Science and Nutrition, Young Professional Achievement ... Adams MS '86 Agricultural Economics, BS '83 Animal Sciences, Distinguished Alumni Award 2014 ...

  5. Stan and Sharon Joehlin

    Biological Engineering (FABE), where Stan received his BS and MS in 1960, the couple has helped transform ... agriculture team and meeting people from Ohio State University Extension (CFAES’ outreach arm), and the ...

  6. National Priester Award for Community Programming- Nicole Wright and Shoshanah Inwood

    Thursday, May 5, 2022 Nicole Wright and Shoshanah Inwood The purpose of the award is to recognize ... Extension programs that positively influence the health of people across the United States by providing ...

  7. Small Business

    accelerate Ohio's economy by helping people start, sustain, and grow their business. The SBDC provides ...

  8. Fish Farming Resources

    started and difficult to make money on a small scale. However, we have seen success with people starting ...

  9. October 2023 CFAES Connect

    people participated in the CFAES Alumni Awards, academic unit open houses, and the CFAES Homecoming ...

  10. Dr. Benjamin M. Bohrer

    Animal Science Bldg. 2029 Fyffe Rd. B.S. The Ohio State University- 2011 M.S. The Ohio State University- ...
