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  1. Annie’s Project Retreat for Women in Agriculture

    to four people per room. Details can be found on the  Annie's Project Registration Flyer.  ...

  2. Keeping Farmers Safe

    a tabletop hazard hunt depicting a farm. People can inspect the mini farm scene to determine the number of ... Children 5 and under are free. More than 120,000 people typically attend the Review, an event sponsored by ...

  3. High Tunnel Integrated Pest Management Training

    (horticulture), Matt Kleinhenz (horticulture), and Sally Miller (disease management) will serve as resource people ...

  4. Bees in Your Backyard … and the Plants They Visit- Location 1

    upcoming series of bee biology and identification workshops can help get people started. Olivia Carril, ... as a man’s thumb, and they seldom live in hives.” And yet many people don’t know how interesting and ...

  5. Chow Line: Nearly one in 100 need to avoid gluten (for 6/12/11)

    why don’t people want it? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. It’s also in spelt, ... elasticity to bread dough. So, obviously, a lot of people actually do want it. But some people-- estimates ... say one in every 133 people, in fact-- have trouble digesting this particular protein. The condition, ...

  6. Employee Emergency Response Training

    in establishing an employee preparedness plan: In the event of an emergency how will people reconnect ...

  7. Sprucing up the Farm Science Review Site

    people who use it. “Having hard surface roads for the farm show make the site more accessible to visitors ... 5 and under are free. More than 120,000 people typically attend the Review. For additional information, ...

  8. Getting a Job on the Farm- Labor Issues for Young Farm Workers

    will be at the Firebaugh Building in OSU Central. Concerns with young people working agricultural jobs ... change, what was learned from the experience is a lot of people didn't know the requirements. This ...

  9. Chow Line: Just how much vitamin D is enough? (for 3/1/09)

    Medicine, which indicated that the current recommended amounts may be too low for many people. Some experts ... are suggesting intakes of 800 to 1,000 IU a day, especially for people who are more at risk of having ... during the winter, many people don't get that much sun exposure. And, people with dark skin have ...

  10. Celebrating Occupational Therapy Outreach for the Farm

    works with OT practitioners to promote independence for people in agriculture. This program conducts ...
