
Search results

  1. Kathy Mann

    Degrees & Certifications * M.S. Youth Development, Kansas State University, 2008 * B.S. Agricultural ...

  2. Upcoming Events Focused on Preparedness

    conveyed, “People may say ‘Why do we need to practice earthquake drills in Ohio?’ We practice because Ohio ... EMA wants ShakeOut to get people to talk about emergency preparedness and to plan for all hazards and ...

  3. An Important Piece of Fire Prevention on the Farm Their resources breakdown to: Explain the types of fire extinguishers Help people decide when to ... use a fire extinguisher Teach people how to use a fire extinguisher Educate on the importance of fire ...

  4. Is Your Summer Event Welcoming and Accessible to People with Disabilities?

    is open to the public, it must be accessible to people with disabilities. The American’s with ... large restroom stalls are easier for people with baby strollers or carts, as well as people who use ... canes or walkers. However, providing access is more than getting people through the gate, it also ...

  5. National Occupational Therapy Month

    independence for people in agriculture. This program conducts on-site assessments for the worker to determine ...

  6. FRESH: The New Frontier for Ag safety and Health Resources

    Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Penn State Agricultural Safety and Health Program Linda M. Fetzer, MS ...

  7. Employee Emergency Response Training

    in establishing an employee preparedness plan: In the event of an emergency how will people reconnect ...

  8. Back to School Preparedness Tips and Resources

    phone numbers. Discuss pick-up or bus schedules and alternative/emergency back-up people involved in ...

  9. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: These are a few of our Farmers favorite things

    also use tools and equipment that are designed for ease of use for people of all abilities. LED lights ...

  10. Celebrating Occupational Therapy Outreach for the Farm

    works with OT practitioners to promote independence for people in agriculture. This program conducts ...
