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Heptachlor epoxide
people who drink water containing heptachlor epoxide well in excess of the maximum contaminant level ...
Ethylene dibromide
water or by leaching into ground water. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who drink water containing ethylene ...
in drinking water treatment, storage and distribution. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who drink water ...
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
people who drink water containing di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate well in excess of the maximum contaminant ...
Ohio State Launches New Housing Learning Community Focused on Sustainability
reasons as well as to meet people with similar interests to my own,” notes Roland Bennett, a freshman ...
Combined radium
such as DNA. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who drink water containing radium 226 or radium 228 in excess ...
Opportunities Archive
Provost’s Council on Women term offers an exciting opportunity to work with dynamic people from across the ... Manager Development Grants: Staff who manage people or projects can apply for up to $1,000 to attend ...
TWEL Andrew Vitz Thesis
Andrew C. Vitz, MS Advisor: Amanda Rodewald Thesis Declines of mature-forest birds have stimulated ...
Maumee RAP
dedicated people working through the state and federal Areas of Concern program to restore fishable and ...
Ohio State Experts Offer Tips on Best Management Practices to Keep Phosphorus on the Field, Improve Water Quality
phosphorous loss at the edge of field, LaBarge said. “There are some immediate practices that people can ...