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Collaboration between CFAES Horticulture and Crop Science Professor Laura Lindsey, International Intern Program (TOP) and farmer Tom Hamilton Pays Dividends
finding young people interested in international issues and agricultural experiences. The program does ... this by matching young people seeking training in crop and animal production with US-based ... optimizing the timing of insecticide applications in soybean production. David graduated with an MS in May ...
Wooster Campus
in a venue with more space and instead of having an international restaurant bring food, people ... Owens Especially if you'd like to ...
Agricultural Rescue and Grain C.A.R.T. (Comprehensive Agricultural Rescue Trailer)
fighters of agricultural emergencies. As people become less connected to the farming community, there is ...
Hope IS a Strategy
aspects. This time of year can be more difficult for people, especially those who have Seasonal Affective ... Disorder (SAD) or it’s milder form Winter Depression. Most people develop symptoms in late fall or early ... remember there is HOPE! There are people (mental health professionals) who can and want to help. There are ...
CFAES cooperation with Kazakh National Agrarian Research University flowers
million and middle-aged or older people did not learn about Kazakhstan as it was part of the Soviet Union ...
Animal Sciences Bullish about on-Animal Sensors Project with Australia’s CQUniversity
around the clock and are sensitive enough to detect minute changes that people do not notice. For cattle ... centering his MS in Animal Sciences on OAS. He is being directed by Dr. Alvaro Garcia-Guerra, Assistant ...
Do You Get the Winter Blues?
now. During this time of year, many people often begin expressing a feeling of sadness or mild ... depression. Did you know that feeling sad during this time of year is very typical, and many people suffer ... Loss of appetite, having low energy, or thoughts of suicide. Many people are often ashamed or worried ...
Think Differently: A Path Toward Tranquility
research, psychoanalyst Albert Ellis (1997, 2016) reminds us that people and events do not upset us. Rather, ... we upset ourselves by what we think, or believe, about those people and events. When we are upset, we ... thinking, or beliefs, about people and events, we may reduce our negative emotions, and respond more ...
Can Animals Spread Disease to Humans?
traveling or enjoying some outdoor activities, many people might encounter animals in either an urban or ... rural setting. Animals provide many benefits to people such as food, fiber, travel, sport, ... companionship, and education. However, animals can sometimes carry harmful pathogens that can spread to people ...
Luis Cañas, Ph.D.
Entomology Ph.D. 2000 Purdue University: Entomology, Biological Control M.S. 1996 Purdue University: ...