
Search results

  1. Upswing in Market Prices May Benefit Ohio Growers

    November 4, 2003 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio soybean growers who managed to weather the lashings ...

  2. Can You Afford Your Farm? Find Out with FINPACK

    farm's existing record-keeping system. It's a farm financial management program." For more ...

  3. Communication and Conflict Management workshop

    Details here. ...

  4. OARDC Annual Research Conference

    Details here. ...

  5. Gypsy Moth Caterpillar Resembles Other Caterpillar Pests

    ranks" said Herms, who is based at OSU's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in ...

  6. Drought Adding A Wrinkle to Crop Marketing Decisions

    year, that will have an impact on our exports to Asia," he said. "The former Soviet Union ...

  7. Still to Receive American Horticultural Society's Highest Honor June 10

    teaching, the research and scholarship he has done, to how he's communicated his knowledge with the ...

  8. Drought Adding A Wrinkle to Crop Marketing Decisions

    year, that will have an impact on our exports to Asia," he said. "The former Soviet Union ...

  9. Safety Conference Teaches Emergency Management for Ohio Farm Markets and Agritainment Operations

    March 29, 2012 COLUMBUS, Ohio –When Mother Nature or natural disasters strike a u-pick operation, it’s important for farm operators to react fast and know how to handle the panic of visitors, says an Ohio State University Extension expert. If farm markets ...

  10. Ample Profitable Crop Enterprises Exist for Ohio Growers

    a harder crop to manage than corn or soybeans. "It needs to be harvested at a certain time for quality ...
