
Search results

  1. Ohio Groups Recognizing National Invasive Species Awareness Week March 3-8

    which is sponsoring the week, said invasive species “cause a multibillion-dollar annual drain on our ... and land managers, also takes place during the week, on March 6 in Mansfield. The program will ...

  2. Turkey Buying Tips

    days before you plan to cook it. This will ensure maximum quality and safety. Some stores will allow ...

  3. Growers, Producers: Learn How to Effectively Market Your Business

    program presented by Lori Panda, senior program manager. The workshop will be offered in three locations ...

  4. Tri-State Diversity Conference

    administrators, faculty, and staff from Cooperative Extension, research, and academic programs; private and public ... Showcase best practices, curriculum models, research, outreach strategies, training methods, and/or success ... community development, the health field, and the workplace. Identify research needs and questions related to ...

  5. What will it be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?

    conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict to make the positive changes within our ... goals of our organization. It's a choice we make, so what will it be today? Participants will: ...

  6. Backyard Food Production Program

    a no-till garden for all to enjoy and learn some hands-on gardening skills. This workshop will also include ... will be a free gardening workshop the second Thursday of the month from March- October. Some of these ...

  7. Serv Safe Manager's Certification

    preparing and serving. This course is designed to provide Food Service Managers with updated principles of ...

  8. Serv Safe Manager's Certification

    preparing and serving. This course is designed to provide Food Service Managers with updated principles of ...

  9. Overholt Drainage School, Defiance

    design, layout, construction and management of soil and water conservation systems, with emphasis on water ... management and water quality. Registration for Session 1 is $450; for Session 2, $300; for Session 3, $200; ...

  10. Chow Line: If you’re at risk, be aware of Listeria

    outreach and research arms, Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...
