
Search results

  1. Turf and Ornamental Diseases and Pests In-Service

    Diagnostic Clinic invite you to attend a day-long in-service on the identification and management of major ...

  2. 4-H Volunteer Banquet

    catch up!  We would like to say “thank you” for all of the hard work that you have put into our ... organization and our 4-H’ers! Volunteers are the backbone of 4-H! And each fall we like to take a few moments ... to truly thank the many advisors and volunteers that make our organization the success it is! As we ...

  3. Ohio Composting Industry Tour

    This year’s Composting in Ohio industry tour in southwest Ohio will focus on managing water. The ... district managers, city and county officials, and farmers. The tour starts at 9 a.m. at the Garick ... sponsors are the college’s Ohio Composting and Manure Management Program and the Organics Recycling ...

  4. OSU Pollinator Summit: Our Threatened Bees

    What threats do bees face, and what steps can we take to protect them? Registration now open! Summit flier PDF here Join bee biologists, conservation experts, educators and citizen scientists for this daylong workshop on bee biology and conservation. Spon ...

  5. Northeast Ohio Grape Field Day

    management skills and how to manage grape vines after winter injury during a workshop and winery tour ...

  6. Funding Philosophy – Grants, Contracts, Partnerships

    Fulfilling commitments with Extension's existing partners is our first priority. New ...

  7. Communiqué January 30, 2011

    events. The service offers many enhanced features for managing registration, attendance, and support for ... multi-event program management. Extension's Event Center license provides for sessions with up to 500 ... time. Currently, we can hold up to 12 meetings at any one time across our system. By contacting one of ...

  8. Nursing Home Costs and Medicaid: the One-Two Punch to the Family Farm (Ag Law Webinar Series)

     for future reference. Some of the webinars target legal practitioners, while others will be directed ...

  9. Rights and Remedies for Protecting Your Water Supply in Ohio (Ag Law Webinar Series)

     for future reference. Some of the webinars target legal practitioners, while others will be directed ...

  10. Introduction to Food Law: What you Need to Know to Build a Food Law Practice (Ag Law Webinar Series)

     for future reference. Some of the webinars target legal practitioners, while others will be directed ...
