
Search results

  1. Quilting the Best Better!

    a built-in community service project and on your own lap quilt. Use some advanced tools and gadgets too! ...

  2. Becoming Money Wise: Levels I and II

    This project is for beginning-level youth who want to know more about managing personal finances. ...

  3. Outdoor Adventurer: Beginning Fishing

    Learn some fish basics and how to catch them. Then concentrate on filling the log book with all your ...

  4. Reuse of Reclaimed Wastewater–Disinfection to Protect Public Health (PDF)

    carried out through soil. Some wastewater goes through a disinfection process before being irrigated.  ...

  5. Teens on the Road to Financial Success

    financial lives by analyzing spending, obtaining and managing banking services, making consumer decisions, ...

  6. Midwest Small Fruit Pest Management Handbook (PDF)

    Midwest Small Fruit Pest Management Handbook (PDF) This small fruit pest management handbook is ... fruit production methods and pest management practices that should not change on an annual basis. To ... make the best possible decisions regarding small fruit pest management, this handbook should be used in ...

  7. Rabbit Learning Lab Kit

    association activities, and more. Some assembly required. ...

  8. The Big Book of 4-H Cloverbud Activities

    education, consumerism and family science, and plants and animals. Redesigned in an easier-to-manage ...

  9. Midwest Small Fruit Pest Management Handbook

    Midwest Small Fruit Pest Management Handbook This small fruit pest management handbook is ... fruit production methods and pest management practices that should not change on an annual basis. To ... make the best possible decisions regarding small fruit pest management, this handbook should be used in ...

  10. Am I Ready for Work?

    Activities cover everything from making a good first impression to managing your money, including applying, ...
