
Search results

  1. Deadline to apply for the OSU Extension 2014 Annual Conference and Research Colloquium

    You are invited to actively engage in the OSU Extension 2014 Annual Conference and Research ... session.   As OSU Extension and our College look to “ The Next 100 Years ” all faculty and students are ... encouraged to consider the research, skill sets, methods, and trends that will drive us forward in service to ...

  2. The Benefits of 4-H Summer Camp

    Our kids are all back in school from spring break now and farmers are getting ready to plant their ... 2015 crops.  The major league baseball season is here and that means our kids will soon be out of ... summer break.  Research studies prove that students can lose up to the equivalent of 2.6 months of what ...

  3. Farm Day 2017

    practices, and much more! This event is free. Please call Butler Soil and Water Conservation District ...

  4. Winter Holiday Safety

    overheating by skipping the electric blanket during pregnancy. Although there is much documented research on ... paper, decorations and other combustible materials in our homes. The chaos of family and friends or other ... visitors may be a distraction from our normal routine of extinguishing candles. Setting a timer or alarm ...

  5. Time to Think about Planting Peas

    remember to plant them early.  They do not like our hot summers, but don’t mind light frosts, so they ... our unpredictable late fall weather.  People have been enjoying garden peas Pisum sativum for over ... not to plant in very wet soil, let it dry out before planting.  Poke the seeds into the soil 1-2 ...

  6. Save the Dates- 2019 EPN Programs

    evening)  Tuesday, May 14th  We thank you for your support in 2018 and look forward to seeing you at our ...

  7. Pesticide Recertification and Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    agriculture fertilizer certification for private applicators (must have a pesticide license) Categories ...

  8. Graduate Research Associate Positions (M.S. and Ph.D) Available

    Graduate Research Associate positions for Ph.D. or M.S. level studies and research in ... pursue research topics under the Biobased Systems Analysis Lab (BSAL), which uses biosystems engineering ... 4 in analytical writing, established publication record, and research background and interest in the ...

  9. Meet Manny Barnes: a Leader in CSM and Beyond

    construction systems management (CSM) program and felt an instant connection.  In the spring of 2016, Manny ... semester and in the future.    By Helena Nguyen, FABE Student Administrative Assistant     Meet Our ...

  10. Integrated Pest Management

    Jim Mack, Butler County Master Gardener, will be presenting on Integrated Pest Management (IPM).  ...
