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  1. Walls completes internship with FFA Camp Muskingum

    our advanced camper program which are the seniors and grads. Walls organized two workshops and ...

  2. 2017 Ag Outlook

    Management David Marrison, Assoc. Professor, OSU Extension ...

  3. Wickstrom receives AJCA Director’s Scholarship

    perceptions in the dairy industry.  Her current research involves understanding the influence that online ... content related to dairy products has on consumer decisions. She hopes to put her research to use after ... a research project focused on agricultural communication as part of their Master’s thesis.  To learn more ...

  4. Weed Specialist: Try to Apply Fall Herbicide Treatments Before December

    a researcher from Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Although ... research include: glyphosate, dicamba, metribuzin, simazine, Basis (and generic equivalents), Express (and ...

  5. Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA

    Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems Agronomic crops 217 Elm St, London OH 43140 (740) 852-0975 ...

  6. Armyworm Risk and Crop Scouting

    soon pupate. More information on armyworm management in wheat is available at ...

  7. Study Abroad Numbers Double at Ohio State's College of Food, Ag, Env Sciences

    accessible countries and during times when it's less expensive. Additionally, thanks to our donors, ... all of our students receive at least some amount of scholarship money to study abroad."   The ...

  8. Ohio Celebrates National 4-H Week Oct. 5-11

    “During our recent county fair, youths took selfies against a 4-H background and uploaded them to social ...

  9. Zero tolerance required for prevention of Palmer amaranth problems

    conclusion of the researchers was that the results show the need for a zero tolerance threshold on Palmer ... residual herbicides are a valuable tool in the management of Palmer amaranth.  But it’s difficult to ...

  10. Sprang completes internship with Ohio Pork Council

    communication and marketing tasks, she also managed the pork stand during the Ohio State Fair in the Taste of ...
