
Search results

  1. OSU Pollinator Summit: Our Threatened Bees

    What threats do bees face, and what steps can we take to protect them? Registration now open! Summit flier PDF here Join bee biologists, conservation experts, educators and citizen scientists for this daylong workshop on bee biology and conservation. Spon ...

  2. Celebrating Occupational Therapy Outreach for the Farm

    all Ohio counties. Learn more about the program on our website ...

  3. Sherman completes internship with OSU Extension, Franklin County

    during Local Foods Week. “Haley has completed both a course-based field experience internship in our ...

  4. Application DEADLINE: Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Tanzania

    Application DEADLINE: Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Tanzania Please see the Summer ...

  5. Eight ACEL Students named to CFAES Ambassador Team

    represent the college in a variety of ways. The team members give prospective families tours of our college ... student body to help increase awareness around our college. And, they are encouraged to become involved in ...

  6. Lawn Mowing Safety

    article: "Lawn mower injuries send 13 children to the emergency department every day: Researchers ...

  7. Book the Grain C.A.R.T. for 2017

    Agricultural rescue training and education are an integral part to protecting our work force of ...

  8. *Limited Dates Remain*-- Grain C.A.R.T. Programming for 2017

    Agricultural rescue training and education are an integral part to protecting our work force of ...

  9. International Conference on Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture

    Research Initiative (iAGRI), and convened by the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania and The Ohio ...

  10. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Lift Creepers

    not aggravate his back and neck while working has increased his productivity and helped him manage his ...
