
Search results

  1. Nutrition and MyPlate

    that help us to grow and stay healthy. The foods we eat provide energy (calories) and nutrients that ... are important for growth and maintaining healthy body functions. Nutrients include carbohydrates, ...

  2. OSU Extension, Darke County offers Trauma-Informed Care Training for Community

    seeks to educate our communities about the impact of trauma on clients, co-workers, friends, family, and ...

  3. 4-H SPIN club bakes their way into the new year

    Brown County 4-H alumna Sherrill Cropper, who is the new product development lab manager at Lesaffre ...

  4. Calendar of events

    management, and canning and preservation basics, and will finish with end-of-season clean up and preparation for next ...

  5. How to Build Relationships in Grad School

    balancing school, research, and social life ...

  6. CFAES Virtual Awards Ceremony

    In lieu of the CFAES Annual Conference, this event will honor our faculty and poster competition ...

  7. Diversity and Distribution of Spiders in Cusco, Peru: A Survey and Comparison of the Yale-Peruvian Expedition of 1911

    a century of land use change. Our goal was to estimate the diversity and distribution of spiders and compare ... our findings to the Yale expedition. Following the biodiversity-productivity hypothesis which states ... to 78 species, suggesting potential environmental changes in the last century. Our work serves as ...

  8. IRB Educational Session: Submitting Amendments in Buck-IRB

    The  Office of Responsible Research Practices  is offering an advanced workshop on amendments to ... approved human subjects research and the Buck-IRB system. The session will: Describe the amendment process. ... will be tailored to behavioral and social science researchers, anyone preparing IRB submissions is ...

  9. Agricultural and Horticultural Field Crop Webinar

    Recert?  Visit our frequently asked questions page. Registration During the online commercial ...

  10. Camp Canopy (Ohio Forestry & Wildlife Conservation Camp)

    Sponsorship's May Be Available. Please contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District, Conservation ... dealers or one of our loggers chapters found  here.) If these possibilities have been exhausted and you ...
